How to use the Project Resource Center
Security and privacy
Protection of Data
The Project Resource Center uses various security measures to ensure
that information posted on this web site will not be made available to
any unauthorized person. All information is stored on our web server
in a password-protected directory or in a database that is not publicly
accessible. We use the password protection scheme that is built into the
web server to grant access only to authorized personnel with a valid User ID
and password.
Protection of Privacy
The Project Resource Center is designed to protect the privacy of the
personal information of administrators and users. The information posted
on the web site is only visible to authorized
PRC team members and web server administrators. Your
personal information is never shared with or sold to third parties.
Your Information is Confidential
The information you choose to share through the Project Resource Center
is considered highly confidential.
It is the responsibility of all authorized users to maintain the security
of the site by keeping User ID's and passwords confidential. Some web
browsers such as Internet Explorer allow you to automatically save your
User ID and password so you do not have to re-enter it when visiting the
web site again. If you or any PRC users choose to use this browser feature,
keep in mind that any person with physical access to your computer may be
able to view the Project Resource Center with your password.
Use of Cookies
The Project Resource Center uses temporary session ID's or "cookies" to keep
track of the project you are viewing. You must have temporary or session
cookies enabled in your browser to use the Project Resource Center.
You can enable cookies in Netscape Navigator by editing your preferences,
under advanced, and choosing to accept cookies. In Internet Explorer, you
can enable cookies from the Internet Options menu. The cookie set by the
Project Resource Center does not contain any information related to you as
an individual -- it only contains a session ID that identifies the project
you are viewing. It is programmed so that it does not remain on your computer
after you quit the browser application.
Security Tips
- Never share your given User ID or password with people that are not members of the project team.
- Don't write down passwords.
- If you believe you password may have been compromised, or if project personnel changes warrant it, ask your project administrator to change the project User ID and password.